What I would tell my 15 year old self… The other day, I received an Instagram Direct Message from one of my IG followers. At first, I thought maybe it was someone catfishing me, but the more I chatted with him, the more I realized, he’s an amazing young man (15 years old), with legitimate […]
Build A List of Your Relationship Must-Haves
Do you feel like you’ve just been dating so much and still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Turns out that you just might need to go back and figure out a list of the traits that you must have from a significant other. Two doctors, Peter Todd and Geoffrey Miller did some research and […]
Marry Because You WANT To, Not Because You Have To
For many people now, getting married is something that comes long after things like going to college, starting a career, and buying a home. If you’ve ever read The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, she talked about women going to college to meet a husband, but not necessarily for the sake of making out their […]